Selected works

"In the works that contain color I represent a more optimistic version that is closer to reality, although always maintaining the dialogue with fantasy."
Fine Arts Graduate from the Universidad del Museo Social Argentino, with a specialty in Engravingb Master in Artistic Direction from the Escuela Superior de Creativos Publicitarios. Agustina have dedicated her professional career to graphic design and illustration in corporate publicity, She is currently seeking to grow with the production of her artistic work professionally. Her work is based on drawing and engraving in small formats, although today having her own studio in Madrid allows her to develop a new series of works of various formats on which she is currently working.Research, both technical and theoretical, is of crucial importance for the development of her work and this is why She is constantly learning about its main topics.
"With my work I seek to return value to the precious and unique in a market in which repetition and mass reproduction are predominant. I am interested in the possibility of generating a collection of treasures, following the concept of the Cabinet of Curiosities (Kunst und Wunderkammer) in which carefully selected objects are collected. Returning value to the decorative object, developed as a piece of art and thought of as something that is selected for pleasure and with the intention for it to remain and not to be easily discarded.
The main source of contact I have with my audience is through online platforms such as my website or social networks, however I am continually looking for opportunities to be part of artistic projects and exhibitions that allow closer and personal contact between my art and the spectators.
Having grown up in a big city like Buenos Aires, for me, the most precious thing is nature. Its organic shapes and colors contrast with the straight lines and gray tones of the city. This is why my works represent a personal treasure cabinet that consists of a collection of natural elements, combined with a language in which the fantasy and the feminine meet. In my works I represent natural beauty as an antidote to bad thoughts.
My main working mediums are watercolor and microfiber and with them I divide my work into two large areas: colored works and black and white works.
The lack of color accentuates the represented shapes and separates them from their original meaning, generating a tinge of nostalgia or strangeness."